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1996, No 3


Electrodynamics of electrical power devices

Baranov M.I., Bondina N.N. Imulse resistance of a cylindrical wire with lightning current ___________________ 3

Vavriv L.V., Serebrianikov.A.E. Analysis and synthesis of electromagnetic fields in the impulse

electrodynamics effect stimulators_____________________________________________________________ 9

Zrazhevskii Iu.M., Shedlovskii I.A. Simulation of input resistance of the traction of transport network with-

inductive energy transmission_________________________________________________________________ 14

Chaban V., Peleshko D., Kovivchak Ia. The mathematical model of the throttle_______________________ 17

Conversion of electric energy parameters

Fedii V.S. Resonance of the series LC-circuit with reverse commutator in the circuit with a capacitor_________ 20

Boiko V.S., Boiko V.V., Potiazhenko I.A., Senko V.I. Calculating of the angles of control and commutating

for cascading compensating conversion systems_____________________________________________ 24

Kostuchenko N.B. Investigating the capacity storage charge by means of dosing condensers_______________ 30

Shidlovskaia N.A., Kravchenko O.P. Calculation of the circuit with nonlinear temperature dependent

resistance___________________________________________________________________________ 34

Nikitin Iu.P., Babich L.A., Sherman M.I. The amplitude-to-phase converter based on a parallel-

wire parametric line_______________________________________________________________________ 37

Electromechanical energy conversion

Shumilov Iu.A., Galinovskii A.M. On the peculiarities of the operation for the combined electrical machine

with saturated magnetic circuit_____________________________________________________________ 40

Lischenko A.1., Mazurenko L.I., Elizarenko I.M., Dgura A. V. Asynchronous rectifying generators for

transport electrical installations__________________________________________________________________ 44

Volkov A.V. Analys the start mode of an asynchronous motor being fed from an autonomous voltage

inverter______________________________________________________________________________ 48

Kuzmin V.V., Rudnitskii L.M., Grushevskii Iu.S. Method of design of a rotor slot for the speed electrical

mashine.with electromagnetic excitation______________________________________________________ 53

Samotii V.V., Shakia S. The peculiarities of the accelerated search of periodic modes for three-phase

transformers__________________________________________________________________________ 58

Bogoslavskii Iu.M., Do Nguen Hyng. Adaptive microprocessor control of the excition system turbo

generator_____________________________________________________________________________ 61

Electrical power systems and installations

Gudim V.I. Technical means of garmonic reduction in energy supplying systems____________________________ 67

Brzhezitskii V.A., Ho Van Niat Chyong. The peculiarities of the frequency characteristics for a

commutation voltage pulse______________________________________________________________________ 72

Electrical and magnetic measurements

Duneth B.V. The microprocessor resistance-to-cod converter for board temperature control systems

of spacerafts___________________________________________________________________________ 76