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1997, No 2


Electrodynamics of electrical power devices

Boev V.M. Calculatin of three-dimensional magnetic field with discontinuity function application_________ 3

Degtyarev V.V., Lupikov V.S., Kukush V.D. Method of external magnetic field measurement of each of
electrical engineering devices at their jont
operation___________________________________________ 10

Conversion of electric energy parameters

Puzakov A.V., Romanets R.A., Khmelev A.G. Static and dynamic properties forming of decreasing

pulse voltage regulator_________________________________________________________________ 13

Pyanykh B.E., Zhyvotovsky S.A. Valve converters with intermediate energy accumulation___________ 19

Skidanov V.M. Method of immediate control parameters determination for semiconductor

converters regulation in function of load current in traction DC electric drives________________________ 22

Gorbachev M.N. Periodical solutions finding for the same class problems of electric circuits theory______27

Abdul Razak, Piskunov O.G., Surzhik T.V., Shevchuk V.I. Conditions of maximum power transmission

from autonomous constant current source into non-linear active load______________________________ 34

Electromechanical energy conversion

Kislenko V.I., Onoprich V.P., Rakitsky L.B. Computation and designing problems of small power_________38

Pentegov I.V., Rymar S.V. Specil features of transformers computation with developed

transvers magnetic leakage fluxes_________________________________________________________ 41

Electrical power systems and installations

Marchenko B.G., Myslovich M.V. Prospect approaches to diagnostics systems creation of electrical

engineering equipment__________________________________________________________________ 49

Kuznetsov V.G. Mathematical models of resonance operating conditions of power supply systems

with asymmetric elements_______________________________________________________________ 53

Yandul'sky A.S. Stable estimation of distributive power network parameters ________________________ 57

Electrical and magnetic measuremens

Dunaets B.V. Spesial features of creation and application of intelligent measuring means________________ 61

Scientific and technical information

Fedorenko G.M., Starodumov V.M. Nuclear power of Germany: safety, reliability, efficiency ______________ 65

Budjony V.F., Bushinsky V.O., Nikitenko Yu.O., Khilyuk V.M. Infrared parameters meter

of pulp- and paper materials_______________________________________________________________73

Chronicle, information

In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Victor F.Reztsov, Associate Member of the National
Academy of Sciences of Ukraine____________________________________________________________74

Abstracts _____________________________________________________________________________75