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2005 р., 4


Theoretical electrical engineering and electrophysics

VOVCHENKO A.I., KOZYREV S.S., NAZAROVA N.S. Correlation analysis of a prebreak-down

stage processes of electric pulse energy conversion_________________________________________ 3

GANEFELDR.V., PRIMAK A.V.,YAKOVLEV V.S. Thermal break-down of metal-oxide varistors_______ 7

GLUKHENKY A.I., GORISLAVETS Yu.M., PETUKHOV I.S. Inductances of a massive conductor

in an electromagnet gap______________________________________________________________ 13


Conversion of electric energy parameters

FEDIY V.S., SOBOLEV V.N. Special modes in a series RLC-circuit with a valve switch

in a capacity circuit____________________________________________________________________ 18

GRECHKO E.N. Multilevel voltage inverters with step modulation of output voltages ________________ 25

FEDOROV S.D., KOZYRENKO V.S. Electric energy quality in information electronic complex

with powerful units of uninterrupted power supply__________________________________________ 30

LYPKIVSKY K.O., MOZHAROVSKY A.G. Analysis of input and output characteristics

of discrete regulators of an alternating current voltage________________________________________ 38

GALINOVSKY A.M., LENSKAYA E.A., Erhard AIHOFFER. Parameters computation

of protective valve circuits in excitation systems of double supply motors_________________________ 43

Electromechanical energy conversion

PRIYMAK B.I. Estimation of a rotor flux of an asynchronous motor considering non-linearity

of a magnetic circuit__________________________________________________________________ 51

SARATOV V.A. Frequency dependences of parameters and characteristics of turbogenerators

of 300—325 MW with different rotor construction_____________________________________________ 58

TITKO A.I., KUCHINSKY K.A. Mutual displacements of a stator core and winding and their influence

on thermomechanical state of insulation in stationary and dynamic conditions of a turbogenerator______ 62

AFONIN A.A. Magnetic field distribution in electric motors with constant magnets of a cylinder shape_____ 68

Information measuring systems in power engineering

BORSCHEV P.I. Selective meter of electrical values at industrial frequency________________________ 74