
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/techned2016.02.025


Journal Tekhnichna elektrodynamika
Publisher Institute of Electrodynamics National Academy of Science of Ukraine
ISSN 1607-7970 (print), 2218-1903 (online)
Issue № 2, 2016 (March/April)
Pages 25 – 28


Shuaibov А.K., Mesarosh L.V., Chuchman M.P.
Uzhgorod National University,
str. Pidhirna, 46, Uzhgorod, 88000, Ukraine,
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The discharge current dependences of the specific electrical power of the glow-discharge above the distilled water surface, the cathode spot area and area of cross-section of positive column has been investigated. For currents up to 32 mA, the discharge exists in the form of a single homogeneous channel. When the current is increased to increase in the cross-section of positive column to 22 mm2 was observed. The cathode spot area decreases from 14 (I = 10 mA) to 9.5 mm2 (I = 17-32 mA). At the current increasing from 12 to 32 mA the electric power of discharge was increased linearly from 15 to 32 W. The maximum value of the average volumetric density of electric discharge power is achieved at a current of 32 mA and consist of 0,35 W/mm3. Increasing of current from 12 to 16 mA give decreasing of discharge volume from 73 to 65 mm3, and the current rise from 22 to 32 mA linearly increases discharge volume from 65 to 80 mm3. The maximum value of electron concentration was estimated in the cathode spot area and in positive column at 10–32 mА current. The electron concentration consists up to ne = 1013 cm-3 in the cathode spot. In positive column it consists less then 2x1011 сm-3. References 11, figures 3.


Key words: concentration of electrons, glow-discharge, distilled water, specific electrical power of the glow-discharge, the cathode spot area, area of cross-section of positive column.


Received:    20.11.2015
Accepted:    04.02.2016
Published:  18.03.2016



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