
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/techned2020.03.046


Journal Tekhnichna elektrodynamika
Publisher Institute of Electrodynamics National Academy of Science of Ukraine
ISSN 1607-7970 (print), 2218-1903 (online)
Issue No 3, 2020 (May/June)
Pages 46 - 51

O.I. Tolochko1, V.P. Stiazhkin2, A. M. Ryzhkov2***
1- National Technical University of Ukraine Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute,
Peremohy ave., 37, Kyiv, 03056, Ukraine,
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2- Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
56 Peremohy Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine,
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* ORCID ID : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6871-0653
** ORCID ID : https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0602-1112
*** ORCID ID : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0011-9402


The paper analyses mathematical model for hoisting mechanism of overhead crane manipulator. This crane is expected to operate in waste processing plant in process of deactivation metal. The hoisting mechanism has the form of telescopic column. This column used to submerging basket full of polluted scrap metal in bath with deactivation substance. The model takes into account changes of static torque resistance and motor inertia. The torque resistance change is produced by buoyancy force when basket with load submerging and motor inertia when basket detached from column after sinking to the bath bottom. Results of Simulink modelling showed point to use position control systems. References 7, Figures 7.

Key words: crane manipulator, hoisting mechanism, buoyancy force, position control systems.

Received: 04.09.2019
Accepted: 25.02.2020
Published: 05.05.2020


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