

1997, No 1


Shydlovsky A.K. The Ukrainian NAS Electrodynamics Institute history, its achivements and

perspectives of development ___________________________________________________________ 3

Kirilenko A.V. Certificating scientific brain-power is one of the key problem for the Ukrainian

NAS Electrodynamics Institute __________________________________________________________12

Chimyuk I.V. International cooperation of the Ukrainian NAS Electrodynamics Institute __________________ 13

Pavlova E.V. Inventian activity of the Ukrainian NAS Electrodynamics Institute ________________________ 16

Mostovyak I.V. Retrospective analysis of scientific achievements and development prospects of the

department of electromagnetic energy parameters stabilization ___________________________________ 18

Kuznetsov V.G. Optimum functioning problems of power supply systems _________________________ 21

Chekhet E.M. Controllable electric drive of alternating current as the most efficient method of power

and resource saving _____________________________________________________________________ 25

Yurchenko N.N. State and development tendencies of high-frequency transistor energy converters

for electrotechnological installations __________________________________________________________ 31

Lypkivsky K.O. Voltage control problem of alternating current and efficient solution of its main aspects by

local technical means _____________________________________________________________________ 35

Shcherba A.A. Power supply systems for electrotechnological processes intensification of

metal working: development and prospects _____________________________________________________ 40

Komarov N.S. Transistor converters with high-frequency pulse modulation. Some ways

of their improvement __________________________________________________________________ 44

Emets Yu.P. Department of energy conversion _____________________________________________ 53

Voitekh A.A. Asynchronous motors investigation in the department of electromechanical power converters___ 58

Schastlivy G.G. Simulation problems in power electric machines reliability___________________________62

Lishchenko A.I. New electrical equipment is a basis of progress in economy___________________________69

Avramenko V.N. Simulation of electric power systems − achievements and prospects of

scientific investigations________________________________________________________________________73

Stogniy B.S. Department of electric systems automation_____________________________________________81

Grinevich F.B. Department of electric and magnetic measurements____________________________________ 85

Taranov S.G. Information measuring provision of electrical power engineering is one of the most

important scientific problems for Ukraine__________________________________________________________ 87

Reztsov V.F. State of investigations and prospects of renewable power sources utilization in Ukraine__________ 90


Information for authors_____________________________________________________________________95