

2000, № 6


The Ukrainian science — a look into XXI century

GRINEVICH F.B., TARANOV S.G., Marchenko B.G., Myslovich M.V. Prospects of instrument

engineering, information-measuring systems and metrological provision development for power

industry of Ukraine______________________________________________________________________ 3

Electrodynamics of electrical power devices

SCHERBA A A., PODOLTSEV A.D., KUCHERJIVAJA I.N. Mathematical simulation of

a multichannel spark discharge in a granulated current conducting medium_______________________ 13

LUPIKOV V.S. Magnetic field compensation at magnetic anomalies availability nearby

switch-gear surfaces___________________________________________________________________ 18

DEGTJAREV V.V. Multipole models of a magnetic field of an engineering object for differetn

zones of an external space______________________________________________________________ 25

SHYDLOVSKA N A., SAMOILENKO V.G., KRAVCHENKO O.P. Unification a several methods

for processes analysis in non-linear circuit________________________________________________ 28

Conversion of electric energy parameters

VOLKOV A.V. Analysis of electromagnetic processes of an asynchronous motor at direct frequency

converter supply____________________________________________________________________ 33

BESHTA O.S. Identification of dynamic parameters of a system: voltage controller — asynchronous

motor____________________________________________________________________________ 41

NAMESTNIK S.G., FEDIY V.S. Influence of a network frequency deviation on operation efficiency

of passive and active filters of the third harmonic____________________________________________ 44


of a single-phase converter of an alternating current into a constant one at inpiat resistance___________ 48

KABANV.P., MATVEEVV.Yu. Multistation stand for thermal release devices of automatic switches________50

Electromechanical energy converter

SHINKARENKO V.F. Twoness principle in electromechanical structures____________________________53

AFONIN A A. Special features of magnetic commutation electrical generators with electromagnetic

excitation_______________________________________________________________________________ 58

Electrical power systems and installations

ZHURAKHIVSKY A.V., KENS YuA., MEDYNSKY R.V. Influence of a flux-current characteristic
approximation on the results of current computation in a non-linear inductance____________________ 64

Electrical and magnetic measurements

ZINCHENKO V.P. Characteristics of an information-measuring system of a pressure distribution_________70

Abstracts___________________________________________________________________________ 75

INDEX of papers in 2000_________________________________________________________________ 77