


1990, № 6


Electrodynamics of Electric Power Devices

Vishtak P.A., Zinchenko T.R., Kondratenko I.P., Rashchepkin A.P. Electromagnetic and Thermal

Fields Under Induction Heating of Bands with Temperature Dependence of Electric Conductivity_____ 3

Burdak A.P., Reztsov V.F., Khadzhinov A.L. Local Distribution of Fields and Heat

Release in the Nonideal Dielectrics with Inhomogeneities____________________________________ 9

Kalmyk V.A., Kuznetsov L.A., Pavlovskaya G.V. Calculation of Field Structures in

Wave Guides with Resistive Films_____________________________________________________ 14

Lavrov V.Ya., Kirpanev A.V., Pukhanov A.V. Application of the Huygens-Kirchhoff Principle

for Identification of Electromagnetic Field in Spherical Coordinates____________________________ 18

Gorodzha L.V., Obnosov Yu.V., Strilko S.I. Calculation of Resistance of Polygon

Two-Electrode Systems______________________________________________________________ 22

Medvedov I.V., Chechko G.A., Panchuk V.I., Mironchuk A.N., Smirnov I.M. Simulation

of the Process of Formation of Conducting Structures on the Surface of Thin Dielectric

Covering of the Conductor_____________________________________________________________27

Karchov D.S., Soloveichik Yu.G., Vaskovsky Yu.N. Mathematical Simulation of Three-Dimensional

Electromagnetic Field by Means of PЭМПCO Program Package______________________________ 32

Transformation of Electric Energy Parameters

Fediy V.S. Gate Compensator of Induction Current and Odd Harmonics

on the Base of the Resonance Filter_____________________________________________________ 39

Zhuikov V.Ya., Tereshchenko T.A., Gandur A. Increase of the Speed of Response

of the Width-Pulse Transformer with Digital Regulation_______________________________________44

Pisarchuk S.E., Duplin N.I. Peculiarities of the Consideration of Inductivity of Transformer

Inventor Scattering Under Its Supply from Power Source_____________________________________ 49

Electromechanical Transformation of Energy

Polevsky V.I. Electromagnetic Moment of Superhigh Vacuum Linear Asynchronous

Motor with Hollow Rolling Rotor __________________________________________________________55

Golodnova O.S., Evtushenko I.A., Fedorenko G.M., Yantsov A.A. Study of Mode and Thermal

Parameters of Fastening Elements of the Stator Core of Powerful Turbogenerator of Atomic

Power Station________________________________________________________________________ 60

Karalyunas B.S., Smil'gyavichus A.Yu. Dynamic Braking of Linear Asynchronous

Motor Under Odd Number of Poles________________________________________________________66

Shneider A.G., Shneider I.V. Electromagnetic Propulsion of the Rotor of RSMB____________________ 70

Chaban V.I., Bilyi L.A. Accelerated Search of Forced Periodical Conditions

of Deep-Groove Asynchronous Engines____________________________________________________73

Mezhenny Yu.Ya., Voloshin S.G., Bronshtein G.S. Measuring of the Winding

Temperature of Current in Transition Modes_________________________________________________78

Lazarev V.I., Naumenko L.V. Radial Stability of Cylindrical Winding of Transformers_________________83

Electric Power Systems and Installations

Kirilenko A.V., Levitsky V.G., Runkovich V.V. Automation of Calculations of Calculations

of Arbitrary-Order Derivatives Under Design of Power Supply Objects____________________________ 89

Nedzelsky I.S. Simplification of Mathematical Model of APB Synchronous Machines When

Calculating Static Stability_______________________________________________________________ 93

Skrypnik A.I., Dembitskaya Ya.D. Realization of Nonlinear Dependences in Models

of the Analysis of Electromechanical Transients______________________________________________ 96

Danilyuk A.V., Zhurakhovsky A.V., Komarov V.I., Lysyak G.N. Method of the

Mode Equivalencing of Electric Circuits____________________________________________________ 100

Scientiflc and Technical Information

Shnaider A.G. Device HMX-1____________________________________________________________ 106

Shnalder A.G. Portable Meter of Rotation Frequency___________________________________________88