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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15407/techned2016.05.055


Journal Tekhnichna elektrodynamika
Publisher Institute of Electrodynamics National Academy of Science of Ukraine
ISSN 1607-7970 (print), 2218-1903 (online)
Issue № 5, 2016 (September/Oktober)
Pages 55 – 57


National Commission for State Energy and Public Utilities Regulation,
Smolenska st. 19, Kyiv, Ukraine,
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The problems associated with the operation of power distribution systems with voltage 6-35 kV are investigated. The urgency of the implementation of Smart Grid technology in the decentralized management of the distribution network modes. Formed objective function optimal configuration of the radial electric network. The mathematical model of optimal distribution network configuration function, adapted to the apparatus of the genetic algorithms theory are presented. References 7.


Key words: intelligent distribution power system, reconfiguration, optimization, genetic algorithm.


Received:    29.01.2016
Accepted:    06.06.2016
Published:  13.09.2016



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